Paying your bill is easy
Login to your SmartHub account now to pay your bill, check your electric usage and report an outage. Download the SmartHub app on your mobile device to access your account anywhere 24/7.
Pay your bill in your free, account management app - SmartHub.
Don't have SmartHub? Learn more and sign up here!

Call IECA at 866-621-3679 anytime or call our pay by phone directly at 855-940-3890. Now accepting Mastercard, Visa and Discover.
Make it easy and don't ever think about your monthly bill. Sign up to have your electric bill automatically drafted every month from the bank account of your choice.
Recurring debit/credit card - Cycle 1
Recurring debit/credit card - Cycle 2
Bank Draft Authorization - Cycle 1
Bank Draft Authorization - Cycle 2
Simply mail your payment and payment stub to the address listed below.
Mail to:
Intercounty Electric
P.O. Box 209
Licking, MO 65542
Drop off your payment anytime at IECA's dropbox located at our office:
102 Maple Avenue
Licking, MO 65542

A night drop box is also located in the drive thru at our Rolla and Mountain Grove locations.