Operation Round Up is a charitable program governed, funded, and supported by Intercounty Electric Cooperative members. A simple way for all of us to help a neighbor and ensure our communities continue to thrive.
If you choose to participate, your electric bills will be "rounded up" to the next whole dollar each month. For example, if your month's bill is $83.68, your bill will be rounded up to $84.00 with 32 cents going directly to the Operation Round Up fund. Your donation for any month may be as little as a penny or as much as 99 cents. The average donation will be just over $6.00 a year or 50 cents a month; a small amount to help needy people and bolster community services in the area. And your donations are tax deductible.
All of the funds collected through Operation Round Up are awarded to local families and organizations toward basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care and education.
Operation Round Up funds are guaranteed to help local needs since award recipients must live within the IECA service area. None of the awards may be applied toward electric bills owed to the Cooperative.
Awards are decided by a seven-member board of Cooperative members who volunteer their time to oversee the program. Requests for assistance are reviewed and evaluated once a month.